Royal Brock News

Royal Brock Retirement Living is an active and vibrant community in Brockville. We are proud of our activities, our commitment to senior living wellness initiatives, and our wonderful staff. Retirement residence living is engaging and fun. Scroll down for your monthly activity sheet, staff bios and other news we just have to share.

Meet Jenifer Willis – Our Director of Care


We would love for you to stop in and meet our Director of Care, Jenifer Willis.  Her bright outlook and sense of humor makes everyone who comes through our doors, feel welcomed and at home.

A graduate of St. Lawrence College, Nursing, in Kingston, Jenifer has  had a varied experiences in her career. Ranging from Community Nursing, Public Relations, Mental Health, Palliative Care, Patient Transfer, to being a Professor/Coordinator of both Personal Support Worker, and Health Office Administration programs. She has “been there, done that”

All who know her, and Jenifer herself, will tell you that she has built her career with one position in mind.  This one.  Director of Care.

“With the number of local Nursing and Retirement Homes I have visited with my student through the years, I wished and waited for the opportunity to make things different.  Very different.  To make Retirement Living a place where I would like to live.  Happy, engaging and lively.  A Home”

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